Wednesday, May 8, 2013

My, my... Some recognition at last.

Well, not personal recognition. I remain in delightful obscurity. Or less than delightful obscurity.

I am not bitter.


I had, in fact, been growing less interested in my beloved school. Evil seemed to leave me for these past months.... I have, for no reason beside a sunny day or a kind word from the strange creatures called friends, been feeling cheerful. Oh, woe is me; cheerful without even blowing anything up.

Until I was browsing the blog of Stellar Four, located at this link HERE, and saw their latest blog post, located at this link HERE. Thank you to the ladies at Stellar Four.

Their blog led me to Evil Supply Co. at this last link HERE where the first thing that caught my attention was that they have merit badges for Overlords - and for minions.

Yes, you heard that correctly. We have recognition! I mean, Overlords are always used to brushing minions aside until they need us to do some dirty word - and everyone thinks of us as less. I mean, I capitalize Overlord but not minion! Even I fall pray to the whims of society, such as it is.

But at least we have some recognition, and now the perfect way to show you are proud of being a minion is to go and proudly wear one of these badges on your Dark Robe of Evil.

(Of course, one might argue that you cannot wear an evil merit badge - or as I like to think of them, de-merit badges - unless you actually do recognize a hero in disguise or work with evil robots, but hey; you're evil.)

So go and spend any money you may or may not have (banks are usually a good place to start, and you've been dying to test out that new ray gun) on all sorts of lovely evil trinkets and cards from the site. While you're at it, be sure to check out Stellar Four, because I ripped off their blog post without permission and I do not want to be sued.

Note to Stellar Four: Please do not sue me. It has been established that I am mildly evil, but not deserving of any real punishment.

 In fact, when it comes down to it, ripping off someone's blog is the most evil thing I've done in recent times.

And I even gave them credit, at what is PROBABLY THIS LAST LINK HERE.

I think I'll go slam my head against my desk a few times.