Thursday, December 27, 2012

And a Happy (but not entirely) New Year

Well, 2012 is pretty much over and done. For some, this may be a good thing, others, not so much. I don't really care.

I'm feeling pretty good about the upcoming year, actually. For starters, it's 2013. Emphasis on the 13. Lucky number, right? Or not...

So, what are you going to do this upcoming year? Any great resolutions to fail to keep? Perhaps you have plans to stop drinking coffee or lose twenty pounds or destroy the earth using a gigantic superlaser from outer-space.

These are all good and respectable goals, but we have to be realistic: There's no way you're ever going to  lay off the coffee.

Choosing a new year's resolution can be very good for you. There's nothing like the feeling of disappointment from failing to honor you resolution. It will make you a much better minion, too. All Overlords look for minions with low self-esteem.

For example, this year one of my many resolutions (I never make less than two. That way it drags out the pain.) is to keep a journal. The reason? Well, for Christmas I received a copy of the Diary of River Song. That way I can keep records of my evildoings in a physical journal instead of the internet.

The trick to choosing a resolution is to make it possible. It's no good if it's totally unobtainable - if you fail, it should be your own fault. That said, sometimes through sheer force of will, you can actually achieve your goal.

For example, a reasonable idea would be to donate all your to assorted minion-related schools. Or perhaps just devote your time to creating dozens of blogger accounts and using them to become scores of duplicate students and give me lots of views.  But those are just ideas.

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